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Oficina del Estudiante Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes

Exam Calls (+)

⚠️📣📣 ATTENTION! 📣📣⚠️


* As established by the transitory provision of the Evaluation Regulation of July 25, 2023, published in the BOUCA 389 of July 28.

How many exam calls are there for each subject?

Three exam calls are established for each subject.

Courses 1st SEMESTER FEBRUARY, JUNE, and SEPTEMBE (For core courses. Electives may have 2 or 3 examination calls depending on the School/Faculty)
ANNUAL Courses (those that start in September but do not finish classes until June) JUNE and SEPTEMBER JUNE and SEPTEMBER**

⚠️ **IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you do not pass any subjects during the second semester in either the June or September exam sessions, you will be required to RE-ENROLL IN SEPTEMBER. Please note that this will result in an additional cost for those subjects (for more details, please refer to the public credit fees page). Additionally, these subjects not passed in September will count towards the percentage of credits not completed, affecting your eligibility for the MEFP Scholarship.

However, there is an alternative option available for those subjects. You can opt for the February exam session, and if you successfully pass in this session, you will be eligible for a partial refund of the re-enrollment fees associated with those subjects. This process is referred to as a fee refund and is not automatic. You will need to submit a request through CAU once your final grades for that subject are available in your transcripts. You do not have to wait for the complete closure of transcripts for that session; you can initiate the request as soon as the grades for that specific subject are finalized.

If I don’t attend a particular exam session, is it saved for me?

At the University of Cádiz, and in all its degree programs, this option DOES NOT EXIST. Regardless of whether you take advantage of the exam session or not, once the September session has passed, you will be required to re-enroll in the course. As mentioned earlier, this re-enrollment comes with an additional cost (more information available on the public credit fees page), and it will also count towards the percentage of credits not completed when applying for the MEFP Scholarship.

Is there a limit to the number of exam sessions I can take for a course?

At the University of Cádiz, there is NO LIMIT to the number of times or exam sessions you can take for a course. Once you have exhausted your initial enrollments, you will simply need to re-enroll.

Please note that as you need to re-enroll in a course (second enrollment, third, fourth, etc.), the cost will increase according to the regulations on public credit fees for Andalusian universities (more information available on the public credit fees page).

What is the special call, and how and when do I request it?

The special call is for students who have two exams scheduled for the SAME DAY in subjects from the same study program. In this situation, you have the option to attend and take only one of the exams (you can choose which one), and for the other one, you can request a special call.

⚠️ To attend this special call, you must request it from your School/Faculty with a minimum of 72 hours’ notice before the exam date in question (check your School/Faculty’s website as each one has a different application procedure).

In addition to exam schedule conflicts, the special call can be requested in the following situations:

  • Students who, due to representation in collegiate bodies of the University of Cádiz, cannot take the exam on the specified date. 
  • In the case of illness or another serious reason that is properly justified (in this situation, there is no 72-hour limit for requesting the special call).

Is it true that there is a December exam call?

Yes, it is true that there is a December exam call, but it is an extraordinary call.

Therefore, only those students who meet the following conditions can use this call:

  • If you have 40 credits or fewer left to complete your studies, or alternatively,
  • If you have a maximum of 3 subjects left to finish your studies, even if the total credits for these subjects exceed the specified limit.

If this applies to you, you can take advantage of it, but you must request it explicitly from your College or Faculty during the first half of November (each College/Faculty will announce the application procedure for this call on their website).

Where can I find information about the assessment system for any subject?

To access all the essential information about a subject, including competencies, credit hours, training activities, assessment methods, and the names of the teaching staff, you should review the SUBJECT FILE that interests you by clicking on this link:

Is there a minimum number of credits that must be successfully completed to avoid dismissal from the University?

Students must successfully complete a certain number of credits each academic year to continue their studies.

Como mínimo el 30% de los créditos matriculados, cursados y superados (⚠️ aquí no cuentan los reconocimientos de créditos, salvo los que se consigan por programas de movilidad nacional o internacional, el resto no).

At a minimum, 30% of the enrolled, completed, and passed credits (⚠️ Credits obtained through credit recognition do not count toward this requirement, except for those earned through national or international mobility programs; all other credits obtained through recognition are not considered).

What happens if you fail to pass these credits?

In such a situation, you will be automatically placed under a retention regime. We have provided a link to the page where you can find more information on this topic.

⚠️ For more information, please refer directly to the EVALUATION REGULATIONS for students at the University of Cádiz.